Glenwood Canyon closure aerial photos: Smoke in the air, mud on the ground

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Glenwood Canyon closure aerial photos: Smoke in the air, mud on the ground

Date: 08/08/2021     Category: News & Media     Author: Chris Dillmann     Publication: Vail Daily    

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A large mudslide in Glenwood Canyon is seen from an EcoFlight Saturday between Dotsero and Glenwood Springs. The canyon might be closed for weeks as crews clean up the mess and repair damage.
Chris Dillmann/
Crews work to clear Glenwood Canyon Saturday. The canyon has been closed to traffic since July 29.
Chris Dillmann/
An overhead view of the rock and mudslides in Glenwood Canyon, as seen Saturday near Glenwood Springs.
Chris Dillmann/
An empty Interstate 70 is seen from the air. The interstate has been closed between Dotsero and Glenwood Springs since July 29.
Chris Dillmann/
A view of one of the mudslide paths in the area of the Grizzly Creek burn scar near Glenwood Springs.
Chris Dillmann/
Burn scars visible from the air Saturday have been causing mudslides in Glenwood Canyon after heavy monsoon rains in recent weeks. Detours are adding multiple hours to travel times.
Chris Dillmann/