Groups push to classify Santa Cruz River as urban national refuge

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Groups push to classify Santa Cruz River as urban national refuge

Date: 09/26/2024     Category: News & Media     Author: Daisy Zavala Magaña     Publication: Nogales International    

Original post ➡️

EcoFlight, a non-profit educating about the environment through flight excursions, offers a small group a flyover of the Santa Cruz River. Photo by Daisy Zavala Magaña

Pilot Bruce Gordon steered a small Cessna plane over a portion of the 200-mile Santa Cruz River on Tuesday morning, offering glimpses of the riparian corridor and miles of its dry, sandy bed.

Considered one of the most endangered rivers in the United States, the Santa Cruz River stretches from Eastern Santa Cruz County and into Sonora, before returning north along the Interstate 19 corridor and ending northwest of Tucson.

Tuesday’s flyover with the environmental nonprofit EcoFlight explored a stretch of the river that could soon become Arizona’s first Urban National Wildlife Refuge.