Indian Valley
Date: 06/25/2024
State: CA
Issues: Fire, Watersheds, Wild Lands
Partners: Friends of Plumas Wilderness, Plumas National Forest, Trout Unlimited
Airport Origin : Quincy, CA
These beautiful river valleys have been heavily impacted by wildfire in recent years, and organizations like Friends of Plumas River and EcoFlight are working to mitigate damage to these forests and communities and reconnect important wildlife habitat through fuels reduction and restoration work. Overflights examined burned and unburned areas, and this aerial view will help identify new project areas to improve restoration in the Plumas and Feather Rivers.
Landscape level habitat connectivity is critically important, especially in a landscape so repeatedly ravaged by wildfires and extensively impacted by infrastructure and extractive industry. Creating and protecting corridors for animals to move through the landscape in search of seasonal habitat, food, and mates is a critical component of maintaining ecosystem resilience, especially in a changing climate.
EcoFlight is excited to continue providing the aerial perspective and an opportunity for stakeholders to connect and learn from each other in the air over the Plumas and Feather Rivers!
Click for PHOTOS from the INDIAN VALLEY
Also click to download our GEO-REFERENCED PHOTOS (open in Google Earth to see photo locations)
Geo-Referenced Indian Valley | Geo-Refenced Middle Fork Feather