‘It’s just astounding:’ 4,200-plus acres conserved in Colorado’s mountains

Home » News & Media » ‘It’s just astounding:’ 4,200-plus acres conserved in Colorado’s mountains

‘It’s just astounding:’ 4,200-plus acres conserved in Colorado’s mountains

Date: 02/20/2025     Category: News & Media     Author: Seth Boster     Publication: The Gazette    

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Three Meadows Ranch sprawls 4,200 acres on the west side of Cottonwood Pass. ECOFlight photo

Land managers in Colorado’s central mountains are celebrating what they’re calling an unprecedented open space acquisition.

Eagle and Pitkin counties recently finalized their acquisition of Three Meadows Ranch — 4,251 acres sprawling to the west of Cottonwood Pass over the Roaring Fork Valley.

It’s Eagle County’s largest such open space purchase: $12.5 million toward the total $27.7 million funded by three agencies. It’s a historic milestone, too, for Pitkin County, which contributed $7.7 million toward the deal.

Last year, the county praised 650-acre Snowmass Falls Ranch as a “holy grail” of conservation. Three Meadows Ranch is more than six times that size.

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