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AWARD-WINNING WRITER SUSAN MARSH, A FORMER FOREST SERVICE NATURALIST AND WILDLANDS MANAGER, EXPRESSES WORRY THAT IS ON THE MINDS OF MANY IN HER FAMOUS VALLEY https://mountainjournal.org/growth-is-pushing-parts-of-jackson-hole-to-burst-at-its-seams The town of Jackson, hub of Teton County, Wyoming and a busy hive of human activity, may look quaint from the sky. However, the tentacles of its tourist-driven economy ...
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https://www.huffpost.com/entry/whitebark-pine-functional_b_656201 July 21, 2010, 9:35 a.m.:  In preparing for the public release of the first-ever comprehensive assessment of the climate-driven mountain pine beetle outbreak in whitebark pine forests of the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem, those of us involved in this multi-year project have a huddle on the phone.  My old friend and brave pilot, Bruce Gordon, ...
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