Date: 06/17/2021
State: MT
Issue: Urban Planning
Partner: Park County Environmental Council
Airport Origin : Livingston, MT
Use the aerial perspective to give city planners and the media a better understanding of development issues and the implications of the new Growth Policy for Livingston, MT.
The Livingston City Commission recently adopted a Growth Policy, the most comprehensive growth plan for Livingston to date. The process has been nearly two years in the making, using public input to develop 21 goals which help identify a future for Livingston and how the city will grow over the next two decades. These goals include prioritizing in-fill development over the expansion of city limits, revitalizing downtown, taking action on housing, creating a climate action plan, and collaborating with Park County on planning efforts.
Some issues to consider include a dramatic increase in real estate prices, lack of rentals for workforce, seasonally empty or vacation homes and difficulty of businesses finding employees.
Nearly all new construction in Park County is in the Wildland-Urban Interface, and faces threats from wildfires and risks harming the headwaters of the Yellowstone River, the nation’s longest undammed river. Unchecked development could also have drastic impacts on Park County’s diverse and intact wildlands, which are home to all the major species of mammals that were present on this continent prior to the arrival of Europeans, having long provided refuge for elk, bison, wolverine, grizzly and more.