Quarry Expansion in Glenwood Springs

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Quarry Expansion in Glenwood Springs

Date: 02/27/2020     State: CO     Issue: Mining     Partners: City of Glenwood Springs, Glenwood Springs Citizens' Alliance, Glenwood Springs Post Independent, KDNK Community Access Radio


EcoFlight flew KDNK, the mayor of Glenwood Springs, Glenwood Springs Citizens’ Alliance, and the Glenwood Springs Post Independent over a proposed mine near Glenwood to raise awareness about the proposed quarry and elevate the story in the media.

The Glenwood Springs area community is standing together in opposition to a proposed expansion of the Transfer Trail limestone quarry. Rocky Mountain Resources Industrials (RMR) is proposing to expand the existing Transfer Trail limestone quarry from the current 20 acres to a highly visible open pit mine of 321 acres. The quarry expansion would create a barren scar up to the horizon line and nearly a mile wide. Other daily impacts include truck traffic, noise, dust, glaring lights, air pollution, carbon emissions, and destruction of a forested slope and wildlife habitat.

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